Lee LeonBass Holmes

St. Jacobs, Ontario, Canada
Thank you @Leeholmesblues for sending us #ItsNoSecret ......Love It... A hidden gem!
- PopCanRadio.ca @PopCanRadio
"This sounds great..........Thanks very much. I'll play it on our June 22nd show along with some Amos. I've enjoyed playing your releases over the years. Keep em' coming!" -Holger Peterson Saturday Night Blues, CBC Radio

Lido, Venice, Italy

Mattorosso, Montebelluna, Italy
"Lee Holmes accompagnato dalle note tutte italiane dei #Beautitones. Appuntamento imperdibile!"
- Stefano Pesce: Mgr. Al Vapore, Mestre,Italy
“We were very pleased to have the Beautitones perform here tonight. We have had many bands play here over the past year but this group was the best ever by far,”
- Fabio Ballottari.Mgr of Ai Crociferi Venice Italy
"I’m a song guy and it’s not often you find great ones in the contemporary blues genre. This record (Sit Down Blues) is a mold breaker.”
- Peter Karp, singer/songwriter, producer. USA